Structure Editor : File Formats : PDF


This format was used by the Programming Data Facility PDF application produced by the UK Atomic Energy Authority. Below is a an example of a PDF format structure file :-

    0 04-Dec-01 PDF V2.10 FIBONACCI                         1, 7, 7, 1
    0           Fibonacci           SEQ  NORM   
    0         - Initialis     e     SEQ  NORM   
    0               1               LEAF NORM   
    2           Calculate           SEQ  NORM   
    0               2               LEAF NORM   
    1           DETAILS-3           ITER NORM   
    0         - Iteration    _1     SEQ  NORM   
   -2  i < 32
    0             3, 5              LEAF NORM   
    4            Display            SEQ  NORM   
    0               4               LEAF NORM   
    1           DETAILS-5           ITER NORM   
    0         - Iteration    _2     SEQ  NORM   
   -2  i < 32
    0             6, 5              LEAF NORM   
   -1           Fibonacci           SEQ  NORM
int fib[32];
int i;

    1 fib[0] = 0;
           fib[1] = 1;
    2 i = 2;
    3 fib[i] = fib[i-1] + fib[i-2];
    4 i = 0;
    5 i++;
    6 // Print each number and its Fibonacci product
           printf("%3d   %6d\n", i, fib[i]);